
Microchipping FAQs

Microchipping FAQs Answered by Our Veterinarian Near You

As pet owners, it's undeniable that one of our worst nightmares involves our pets getting lost or running away. Unfortunately, no matter how much care we take to ensure that never happens, there's always the possibility of a door that gets left open, a collar that's too loose, or a rickety fence that gave way. While collars with tags are always a good idea, they aren't always foolproof. Luckily, technology has given us a way to greatly improve our chances of finding lost pets.


At Annapolis Veterinary and Wellness located in Annapolis, MD, our veterinary team encourages all of our clients to have their pets microchipped for their safety and your peace of mind. We understand you may have concerns, so we created this helpful FAQ to better understand how microchipping works.

1. What is a Microchip?

When your furry friend gets "chipped," it means that a tiny chip that is encased in a glass cylinder (about the size of a grain of rice) is placed under your pet's skin. The chip contains an identification number that, when scanned, will match up to an owner's contact information in a national database.

2. How is the Chip Implanted?

The Chip is implanted using a hypodermic needle. No surgery or anesthesia is needed. However, many vets will do this procedure in conjunction with spaying/neutering or other surgeries where anesthesia is used.

3. Is the Process Painful for a Pet?

The implantation of a microchip is no more painful than a routine vaccination. It's a quick and simple procedure that can be done during a wellness exam.

4. Does the Chip Have a Tracking Device?

The microchip does not contain GPS and cannot track your pet if it's lost. The number on the chip does allow anyone with a scanner and access to the database to find the contact information you’ve provided and reunite you with your pet.

5. Are Microchips Really Worth it?

While there is no guarantee a microchipped pet will be found, studies have shown that chipped dogs are twice as likely to be reunited with their owners than non-chipped dogs. The rate for cats is even higher. All vet offices, animal shelters, many police departments, and even private citizens are equipped with microchip scanners.

Contact a Veterinarian Near You

If you're in need of an animal clinic in Annapolis, MD, for microchipping or any other health related services, give us a call at Annapolis Veterinary and Wellness. Our vet team is friendly, knowledgeable, compassionate, and always happy to help. Call us today at (410) 224-6624!

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